The house among the trees
He says that in the summer in the country is warmer than in town and in winter it is colder. He says he can prove. In each end of the glycine have a thermometer, a southern one in the north. Is not that has no other in the East and West? After all should not be so expensive. book covers in thick green paper with spiders is listed day by day the temperature at eight o'clock, at noon, and six in the afternoon. A notes column el día otra las horas con otra la temperatura en el campo, otras la temperatura en el pueblo. La escucha por la radio.
Ese verano hicimos una carrerita con la Eva hasta el tanque, sentíamos los píes volando sobre la arena caliente y nos apurábamos más. Creo que sólo me acuerdo de nuestros píes corriendo. Ella trepó a la pila de ladrillos, apenas consolidada por un cemento mal puesto. Yo no me zambullí, me tiré nomás.
Al rato apareció la Zuni caminando despacio y marcando el piso con una rama, venía para el lado del tanque pero seemed that he could go for anywhere else. the distance in glycine could guess his shadow, sitting with a bottle of stout on the table, looking for the other side, to the south.
The Zuni was four years older than us. When he reached the pile of bricks and first sack dress and panties and then got so ... not stand naked in a tank at her side, had the biggest tits we, we had barely nipples and had also placed the net. We watched and laughed and turned and turned on the water. Soon appeared Eduardo looked to swim, but he looked and turned to the side of the house.
From the way the home side looked a few hundred meters between the trees, a little behind the mill and Australian tank and beyond the silos. To see the front of the house had to go, but it was padlocked. Had to play horn and wait for him to look at and go to open, or one of the workmen came to tell who was one of the pictures and would have to wait a while.
That summer we were at another house in Los Reartes. I had discussed with Luis and Eva was walking with the pines and it was dark as we walked. I do not want to think about and walked slowly. I took her hand.
- hoped that I see nothing.
And then got behind me and put his other hand on her stomach and was lowering slowly.
side road from the house was barely visible through the trees. He said that the summers were getting warmer. That another summer who had not heard the crack would have seen only in two batches, Burrowing parrots rose from the trees and away from the house.
- Crack
not see anything and I was not sure towards where we should go back to the home of The Reartes.
February 6, 2011
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