Monday, January 3, 2011

Buy My Coffee Donation Letters

... And in the dosmilonce you remain the same inveterate dreamer, a lover of trova and camaraderie, smiles secret of the mysteries, the mysteries ...

... Because otherwise, what's the point?.
forgive me, and I preferred to follow once I'm hiding.

In 2011 no more, and no mood to show off new year's resolutions "bla bla bla of things that will not meet-me just say I will not stop smoking, dancing, writing, complaining, dreaming, because the truth, life, little understanding of time or dates, or new years or older.

I'm still the same as he woke up yesterday or the day before yesterday.
So much so that the only thing I care about is my (your) smile so much that I'm still the same selfish as ever.

... That the dosmilonce you to love the wine color that both me disturbed, and follow keep us so many pictures of me in that hidden folder in your computer, you can still breathe to know, from time to time, you're still ...


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